***NOTE: All of the following is contingent on COVID developments
10/2/21: Spring 2022 registration begins
(click here for the needed player equipment, and here for the HCS policies)
10/2/21: Spring 2021 Referee Training Class registration begins
(click here for more info)
10/2/21: HCS Personalized Car Decal & Yard Sign orders open
2/14/22: Late Registration begins ($20 late fee)
2/28/22: Late Registration ends
2/28/22: HCS Personalized Car Decal & Yard Sign orders close
3/12/22: Coach Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Brownsburg Public Library, Sharpe Meeting Room
3/12/22: 1st Returning Referee Meeting, 12:00 p.m. Brownsburg Public Library, Sharpe Meeting Room
3/13/22: Practices can begin
3/19/22: New Referee Training Class, 9:30 a.m., Brownsburg East Middle School, LGI Room, Door 5
4/02/22: Field Day: 9:00 a.m. until the HCS fields are all set up and ready to play on (usually around noon).
4/02/22: 2nd Returning referee meeting, 10:00 a.m @ Brownsburg Public Library, Sharpe & Murdock Meeting Rooms
4/09/22: First day of games
4/09/22: HCS Personalized Car Decals & Yard Signs available for pickup at the concession stand
4/23/22: Picture day
5/28/22: Last day of games
5/30/22: Memorial Day