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Field Day

Spring 2025 Field Day will be on Saturday, April 5th, 2025, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending when the fields are ready to play on.  We will need people to set up the soccer goals, paint the lines on the fields, and do whatever needs to be done to get the fields ready.

We need as many people as possible to come help! Nobody has to stay all day – even an hour or two would be incredibly helpful.  Please join us - m
any hands make light work!  

What you should bring:
Please bring work gloves and/or rubber cleaning gloves to protect your hands.  A few people with trucks come in very handy for moving things around.  If you have a small travel toolbox, or at least a hammer you can bring those tend to come in handy as well.  We should have all other tools and supplies.

The more people help, the less any one person will have to do, so please plan on joining us for a while on Field Day, and please encourage your teammates to do so as well! We will be out there until everything is set up and ready to go for games to begin the following weekend!

Coaches:  We will also be handing out uniforms and coach jerseys at the fields on Field Day and we’re not going to disguise it – we want you to come out to the fields and help get things set up!  When you speak with your teams, please encourage them to come out as well.

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