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HCS Policies

To download info as a PDF: hcs policies.pdf

Honoring coach/teammate requests:

As always, we do our best to honor as many coach/teammate requests as we could.  Requests are honored on a first-come, first-serve basis. One of the primary reasons for not meeting requests is that the requested players and coaches are in different age divisions.  Another is that some teams filled up very quickly and we have to balance team sizes.  We regret that we cannot honor all requests, but we do our best. Please go easy on us if you are disappointed because your request is not met.


We have all volunteer coaches. Since they volunteer their time, we allow them to choose their practice times, days, and locations.  Even though most of our coaches volunteer when they register their children, there are always gaps to fill at the end of registration, and we usually have to ask for more coaches when we put the teams together. Therefore, we do not always know in advance when coaches plan to practice and in some cases, the coaches may not even know themselves until closer to the beginning of the season. Other coaches know their practice schedule because they may only have one night a week in which they are available to hold practice.  We cannot change which team a player is on in the event that the practice schedule creates a schedule conflict for that player.

HCS Field Rules:

  • Our fields are Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Free!
  • Pets are NOT permitted on Hendricks Community Soccer grounds. People who bring pets on the grounds will be asked to leave.
  • No parking on the grass or along the fields! All vehicles must be parked on the parking lots, between two white lines.
  • Driving out to the fields is not permitted unless authorization has been given.  The vehicles that are parked out there are ones that do not come and go while the fields are full of people.  We have been blessed with a golf cart which can be used to pick up family members who need assistance. We welcome the opportunity to pick them up and deliver them to/from their vehicles!  We are thrilled that they come to watch the games and do not want to hinder their visits!!
  • With the exception of the STAR program, game fields are NOT be used for practices.  The Spring and Fall weather is typically not easy on the fields with a lot of flooding and pooling from all the rain we typically get during those seasons.  The fields get very squishy and easily torn apart by cleats running over them.  If we limit their use to game day only, they have a week to recover a little between games.  Williams Park is a popular place for HCS practices, and some coaches use their neighborhood fields.
  • No swearing! Players using foul language will be red-carded.  Adults will be asked to leave the fields.

Game and Field Etiquette:

  • No baseball or football cleats, and no metal cleats are allowed. Referees will check.
  • Respect referee and coach decisions
  • Refrain from being on playing field during game and permit referees the allowed space to work.
  • Parents sit on the opposite side of the field from the players.
  • If parents are disruptive during game day, the referee will speak to the coach and ask the coach to speak to the parent.  If the disruptive behavior continues, the parent could be removed from fields by an HCS official.


In the event of inclement weather on game days, a decision to cancel or play the games will be made as early as possible. Information regarding the status of games for that particular weekend will be updated on our Facebook page.  Text messages regarding cancelled games will be sent to head coaches so they can inform their players.

Games will be played in the rain unless lightning and/or thunder are present. Parents are responsible to dress their children appropriately when weather is less than optimal. Hats, jackets, and double layers of clothing are recommended if such weather is present - just be sure to put the jersey on outside all the layers. A change of clothes might be wise if you are planning to stay for other games during the day.

In the event of game cancellation due to lightning and/or thunder, it is imperative that athletes, coaches and spectators seek shelter during this time by departing the fields.  The concession stand will be closed, and games will not be restarted for at least 30 minutes after the last lightning strike is seen or roll of thunder is heard.

For U4 - U8 age divisions, games may be cancelled if temperatures drop below 32 degrees on game days.  Practices for these age divisions should not be held if the "feels like" temperature is below 40 degrees.


Make-up Games:


In the event that games are cancelled due to weather, we will do our best to schedule make-up games.  We do not guarantee that we will be able to schedule make-up games as our available game times and referee availability are limited.

Game Times:

All games are on Saturdays, with the exception of make-up games.  Each team plays one game per week.  Games need to start and end at the allotted time.  Games will run close on times on the fields and all need to start as planned.

Refund Policy:

HCS will only issue refunds for registrations in the event that a physical injury PRIOR to the beginning of the season prevents a registered player from playing that season.

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